A young couple had a baby, but the baby is black. The husband has some suspects and asks his wife:
– Why are we white and the baby is black?
– Well, you know, after the birth the little one started to cry because he was hungry. I didn’t have milk so I asked a black woman to feed him with her own milk and he became black.
Husband leaves the house to take a long walk and to clear up his mind. He wasn’t convinced of the story that his wife told him and he decided to visit his mother. She was a wise woman and she will give him the right explanation. When he arrived, his mother asks him:
– So, how is my nephew?
– He is fine mom but there is one thing; my wife didn’t have milk and she breastfeed my son from a black woman and now your nephew is black. Is this possible?
– Sure it is! When I gave birth to you I didn’t have milk so I gave you cow’s milk and that’s why you’re stupid like a calf.